Artemisia arborescens helps fight and prevent breast cancer

Artemisia arborescens helps fight and prevent breast cancer

Various studies have shown that artemisinin from Artemisia arborescens, an extract of osteoporosis, can eradicate cancerous breast cells by raising the iron level in them, leading to their killing. In a 2012 study, researchers looked at samples of cancerous breast cells versus healthy breast cells. In both cell types, the iron level was maximized and then artimisinin was injected with them. The results showed that there was no change in the structure of the healthy cells, whereas the cancer cells dissipated completely after about 16 hours from the time of injection. Biologists believe that cancer cells contain 5 to 15 times more receptors, so they absorb more iron from the healthy cells and are more exposed to the effect of the deadly artimisinin in their view. This makes Artimisinin, known to date as the most effective treatment for malaria (which no longer exists in Israel), a natural treatment option for women with breast cancer, but keep in mind that this is not a substitute for a professional medical procedure.

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