Artemisia arborescens has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties

Artemisia arborescens

Various laboratory studies have shown that Artemisia arborescens has significant anti-bacterial properties. One of these studies, published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food, found that Artemisia arborescens oil has a wide range of anti-bacterial activity against a number of bacterial strains, including island bacteria. Ulcer and salmonella, which cause many bowel problems, various diseases and even death. Therefore, consuming Artemisia arborescens regularly, as an extract or as an ingredient in tea with Artemisia arborescens, can protect you from the chance of getting infected with these bacteria and getting sick. Furthermore, further research in the field has shown that its anti-bacterial properties of mucus also help it to be effective against various infectious fungi, such as the common and dangerous candida fungus.

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