Artemisia arborescens relieves and weakens the symptoms of Crohn’s disease

Artemisia arborescens

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease where patients often suffer from symptoms such as severe and unpleasant pain, and in such cases the treatment can be used as a natural and recommended remedy for relieving the severe pain that characterizes the disease. In a 2007 study in Germany of 40 Crohn’s patients treated with 500 grams of Artemisia arborescens extract like Artemisia arborescens for about 3 weeks, instead of the daily steroids they used to recommend by doctors, it was found that 90% of the subjects who consumed the mumps felt constant benefit and improved their condition. After 8 weeks, there was complete remission of Crohn’s disease in 65% of patients. This remission continued for about 12 weeks, and even at the end of the experiment, participants did not have to go back to consuming steroids. These are impressive results, which indicate that there are many ways to improve the quality of life for Crohn’s patients, and to reduce the need for Crohn’s to take steroids.

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